Is Basmati Rice Good For Children To Eat

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Children tend to be continuously walking and playing, from waking up to bedtime. This is why it becomes important to take care of their health. It is necessary to give them a healthy nutritious diet, and Indian Basmati Rice fulfills that criteria sufficiently.

The nutrients in this meal such as- carbohydrates, protein, fibers, minerals, etc are inherited. These are the basic things that should be in the children’s diet to meet the daily needs of the body.

Interestingly, rice is the premium and foremost option that is being offered to babies. The benefit of easy digestion of the grain, is the perfect choice for the sensitive tummies of the children. Basmati rice is free from gluten.

There are basically two fine recipes, one is suitable for older babies and the other goes for toddlers. The different variety and type is preferable for every age group of children. 

Basmati Rice For Toddlers Babies

  • Always make 2-4 servings because it gets easily digested.
  • Ingredients: 80grams of rice, 250ml of clean water and splash cooking oil.
  • Firstly, rinse the rice with fresh water until it gets clearly washed. Further place it in a pot.
  • Add the cooking oil, then add rice and water. Wait for the boil then stir it calmly. Cover the pot and leave the heat on medium flame for about 10 minutes. 
  • Now, rice is being cooked and all water has been absorbed. The fine quality of basmati rice seems soft and fluffy.
  • Toddlers can easily eat, chew and swallow this perfectly cooked rice with delicious taste.

Benefits of Eating This Grain:

  • It helps in boosting the immune system in order to protect the baby against cold cough and flu.
  • Eating healthy Indian basmati rice reduces the flatulence and gets digested easily.
  • It also diminishes the risk of having childhood leukemia.

Bonus Tip – Adding a pinch of turmeric in the  meal, would increase the beneficial elements.

Basmati Rice For Children

  • Ingredients – Take 300 grams of white basmati rice, 700ml of water and 1 tbsp of cooking oil.
  • First step is to rinse the rice with fresh water until it gets clearly washed. Afterwards, place the rice in a cooking pot.
  • Add the cooking oil, add rice and then water to it. Wait until it starts to boil then, cover it and keep the flame on medium.
  • Let it cook for 10-15 minutes, until the rice absorbs the water.
  • After being cooked, the rice comes in a fine quality texture, soft and beautiful aroma. Serve it further to eat.

Benefits Of Eating This Rice For Children:

  • It is considered a great source of carbs, which is the ultimate source for high energy. Energy is the prime thing which requires a child’s body on a daily basis.
  • The presence of protein, calcium and other Vitamins which is important in the growth years of the baby.
  • Keeps good digestion and prevents many diseases by improving the immune system.

Bonus Tip – Make the cooked bowl attractive by adding green veggies in it, like fresh peas.

Well, when it comes to caring for a new baby it is a very difficult task to do along with many milestones to look forward to. One of the major milestones is to choose a healthy meal. 

There are many questions that are being frequently asked. Such as; what kind of safe food for babies? Can babies eat rice ? When can a baby have rice?

We will discuss and suggest the answers for these question below:-

  • Safe Food For Babies

A simple whole grain is well advisable for children. And, Indian basmati rice perfectly fits in this. It has nutrients that are a daily requirement of the body and helps in the development of the baby.

This rice is produced with organic process, and it is very beneficial for the human body depending upon the quantity and variety of rice.

  • Can Babies Eat Rice

Frankly, it depends on the age of the child, sometimes the little toddlers may not be able to handle the meal. In addition, rice types are an integral factor which also matters.

  • In which age, babies can eat basmati rice

Children that are already introduced to fruits pure and veggies, are fully ready to eat basmati rice. Although, keep in mind that it should not be for too young children.

The quantity of the bowl is a matter of fact. Introducing rice through cereal is considered the ideal way. The aroma of basmati rice is loved by children. 


To conclude, we come across the fact that Indian basmati rice is good for children to eat. There are no such disadvantages. In fact, it serves numerous benefits to the children in their growth years.

Basmati rice exporters cultivate the rice in the fine quality and through milling process to achieve an edible stage of the grain. It is the finest qualitative grain which is the foremost choice worldwide. It has some unique aroma in its essence. 

The same rule is applicable to normal rice, but try to avoid rice for those babies who are younger than six months.

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