How Basmati Rice Is Different From Non Basmati Rice

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There are a huge number of varieties of rice in the world – more than a hundred. For that, there are various basmati rice exporters in India. These varieties remained popular in the world, hereby we are discussing how basmati rice is different from non-basmati rice. 

Rice is popular among different peoples; national dishes are prepared from it in many countries. But Basmati rice was recognized as the king among long-grain varieties. 

Why does Basmati differ from the usual (non-basmati) rice?

Indian basmati rice has unique features that differ it from non-basmati rice. The basic and key factors are: shape and size, basmati have a long slender shape and excessive elongation while cooking, also it has a soft, fluffy and creamy texture. On the other hand, non-basmati is the exact opposite of basmati.

Non-basmati have not the lengthy recognition, it seems broad or fatty eventually after being cooked it looks messy and all grains are portrayed as cuddling. This variety of rice doesn’t have any pleasurable or attractive aroma. The nutrients in it diminish meanwhile in the milling process.

What is Basmati rice:

Let’s start with the basics. Basmati belongs to long-grain rice varieties, its grains lengthen up to 7-8 mm long, and has a special taste and aroma.

Its unusual smell reminds of a nutty flavour to some, but for some others can be heard with clear notes of fried popcorn. Because of the interesting aroma, this rice got a name: Basmati means “fragrant” in Hindi. 

And, some connoisseurs compare its thin long form with a Turkish dagger. Smooth basmati rice is creamy, yellowish in colour, and can be translucent. 

The most delicious basmati comes from India and Pakistan. There, it is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, it has impeccable quality and those high consumer properties for which it is so loved.

But due to the fact that Basmati is a rather capricious agricultural crop, and it does not grow everywhere, cases of its fakes have become more frequent. Unscrupulous sellers began to mix it with grains of other varieties of rice, and sometimes the impurity made up a large part. 

To protect their product, Indian basmati rice exporters began to attach a  “certificate of purity” to it, confirming the originality of the basmati. And the Indian company Labindia launched the sale of kits with which you can check rice for authenticity.

What is non-basmati rice

Rice that is not basmati come under the category of non-basmati rice. This type contains all kinds of varieties that have different sizes, shapes or even broken etc.

Worldwide, it has been observed that in non-basmati there are 1000 types that are maximum cultivation in India. Some rice is seen as long and slender, some thick, some may be round or some look like beads.

There are categories in non-basmati rice such as raw rice, parboiled rice and white parboiled etc to be found widely in north Indian parts. Indian rice exporters have the major destination to export Nepal, Bangladesh, Benin etc. 

How does basmati differ from non-basmati ?

So what is the difference between basmati rice and regular rice other than its external characteristics?

Indian Basmati rice has already elongated, and during the process of cooking, the basmati becomes twice as long without losing its friability. And a special extra-long variety, grown especially for pilaf, becomes three to four times longer when boiled. 

To keep the rice firm and not boiled, it is aged for at least a year, and only then it goes on sale. Basmati also combines surprisingly well with spices and absorbs them perfectly, has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste and delicate aroma.

Nutritional factors between the basmati and non-basmati:

Basmati rice contains such macro-and microelements as sulfur, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, zinc, cobalt, nickel, boron, fluorine, selenium, manganese, silicon, iodine and copper. 

It also includes vitamins B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotinic acid), B6 ​​(adermine), B9 (folic acid), K (phylloquinone). And the volatile compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline is responsible for the famous basmati flavour. It is by the amount of this substance that the quality of rice is determined.

Similarly, there is no such gluten in basmati, so it is allowed to be consumed by those who cannot tolerate this component. And it is recognized as an environmentally friendly product since its seeds do not accumulate harmful substances.

Basmati is More Preferable Grain: Reason

Thanks to the valuable elements listed above, Basmati rice has such beneficial properties for the human body that makes it a priority meal in everyone’s kitchen:

  • The nutrients in basmati cleanses the stomach and intestines from toxins.
  • It helps to strengthen joints and bones by removing excess salts.
  • Basmati rice helps in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • It provides instant energy.
  • Help to reduces discomfort with toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • Improves the condition with gastritis;
  • Helps to endure physical activity easier;
  • Normalizes the activity of the nervous system;
  • Improves the skin by restoring microflora.

Consequently, basmati rice is considered to be the best meal in our dishes, even if we consume it on a daily basis, it hardly has any negative impacts on that consumption.

True to the fact that during cooking this nutritious cuisine, some of the usefulness is lost, therefore professionals recommend cooking rice to the “al dente” state, i.e. not to boil it.

There are no direct contraindications or debates to the use of basmati. However, they do not need to get carried away by people prone to obesity, constipation, flatulence, intestinal colic. 

Important Tips:

For the children, it is better not to cook it until the age of three. And those with diabetes or pancreatic problems do not need to use basmati more than twice a week. 

Likewise, it is necessary to exclude a possible allergic reaction to it.

To reduce the effect of rice on the gastrointestinal tract, it is combined with fresh salads and spices.


In traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda, basmati is considered a product that contains the energy of Air, Light and Water. It is included in the obligatory diet of yogis.

According to the experts, basmati rice can be particularly used in your diet for weight loss. In addition, what records say is that the ultra low fat meal diet is known as the ‘Rice diet’ which was developed in 1939 to help those who are extremely overweight.

It has been proven that rice is naturally low in sodium and has no trans fats or cholesterol. Research has been done that claims either brown or white basmati rice, both can be promoted to the healthiest diet.

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